10 years this month I made a gaming a gaming board that cost 1,000 pound , I was an unemployed stay at home father of three young boys , it took me three months to make and at the time i considered it my Opus Maius. i had returned back to the hobby 2 years prior and my building skills were steadily improving. Forge world had recently released the zone mortalis boards and i was desperate make a space hulk for some skirmish games. the build tested all\my skills , researching new painting techniques like crackle paints by tim holtz and discovering a small company called model mates that made dyes for the film and tv industry. the resulting board really helped to lift my self confidence which was pretty low at the time. a year later White dwarf asked if they could photo the board which was a huge honor. the board was called the Yggdrassillium ..or Ygg for short.. i was really proud of it. its long gone now, but still inspires me and i was very proud of it.